Mãe vence a Covid e tem trigêmeos saudáveis

Uma grávida enfrentou a Covid-19, venceu e teve trigêmeos saudáveis.

Identificada apenas como Maggie, ela descobriu no hospital que estava covid-19.

Maggie tinha 28 semanas de gestação quando deu entrada no dia 08 de maio no Women’s Hospital of Texas, em Houston, no Texas, EUA.

O marido também testou positivo para a covid.

“A principal preocupação de Maggie era todo mundo, menos ela mesma”, disseram representantes do hospital em um post no Instagram.

“Ela se preocupava com a saúde dos trigêmeos, com o marido e o filho de cinco anos, além das enfermeiras e médicos que cuidavam dela”.


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Meet the #firecracker who beat COVID19 during her 3rd trimester then delivered healthy triplets with an attitude brighter than fireworks on the #FourthofJuly. On May 8, at 28 weeks pregnant, Maggie arrived for her scheduled admission so she and her babies could be monitored in the APU. When she presented, she received a COVID test, which is now standard to safeguard patients and those who provide care. 48 hours later, on Mother’s Day, Maggie’s care team arrived in her room in full PPE to report her test results: She was positive for COVID-19. Maggie’s main concern was everyone but herself. She worried about the health of the triplets, her husband and their 5 year old son, as well as the nurses and physicians caring for her. During her weeks in APU, Maggie spent a lot of time FaceTiming with her family, including her husband who was also COVID-positive, and bonding with her nurses. Maggie shared that not only did her nurses learn her routine and anticipate her needs, but they would sit with her for an hour at a time, sweating under their PPE, just to keep her company. On June 4, after 5 COVID tests, with the final 2 negative, Maggie learned that “Baby A’s” cord was wrapped around her neck, and she would have a C-section that day at 4 pm. Because her husband hadn’t received his 2nd negative test, she received support from her nurses and family virtually. Maggie remembers that at exactly 3:59 pm, her father called to pray with her, and when it was time for her epidural, a nurse hugged her tightly until it was complete. “Baby A,” Isabella, “Baby B,” Nathaniel, and “Baby C,” Adriel were born 2 minutes apart. Everyone was amazed by how well Maggie did. She and her babies, born at 32 weeks, were healthy, safe and undeniably resilient. 1 month later, Isabella, Nathaniel and Adriel are growing bigger and healthier by the day in the Level II #NICU. Maggie shared that while it is hard to not have the babies home, she’s OK because she knows they are receiving the best possible care from a specialized team dedicated to their health and keeping them safe during the pandemic. Read the full story and Maggie’s advice to moms expecting during COVID on our Facebook page.

Uma publicação compartilhada por The Woman’s Hospital of Texas (@thewomanshosptx) em

Mais uma batalha

Um mês depois, no dia 4 de junho, após vencer a covid, a mãe descobriu que um dos bebês estava enrolado no cordão umbilical.

Mas, no final tudo correu bem. No mesmo dia, os bebês nasceram com 2 minutos de diferença entre um e outro.

Todos ficaram impressionados com o desempenho de Maggie. Os bebês dela, nascidos com 32 semanas, eram saudáveis e inegavelmente resistentes.

Passado um mês do nascimento, Isabella, Nathaniel e Adriel estão ganhando peso, mais saudáveis ​​a cada dia e recebendo o atendimento de uma equipe especializada.

A mamãe e os bebês passam bem, informou o hospital.

Com informações da ABC

Fonte Só Notícia Boa

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